MTSS Collaborative
MTSS Collaborative
Professional Development and Coaching to Ensure the Following:
- Development of Shared Leadership to Monitor MTSS and SEL practices
- Problem Solving Process
- Progress Monitoring of Student Data
- Researched Based Resources and Interventions to Support Student Growth
- Engage Families in the MTSS and SEL Process
- Evaluation of MTSS and SEL Program
Session 1:
What’s your Plan? Accurate Decision Making within a Multi-Tier System of Supports:
Critical Areas in Tier 1 and Tier 2.
Using a Team approach to
- Gathering accurate and reliable data
- Correctly interpreting and validating data
- Using data to make meaningful instructional changes for students
- Establishing and managing increasingly intensive tiers of support
- Evaluating the process at all tiers to ensure the system is working
Session 2:
Making Decisions About Adequate Progress in Tier 2
The purpose of this training is to discuss the identification of students not progressing adequately in Tier 2 of an MTSS model and to assist teachers and the MTSS team in making informed decisions about the nature of researched methods and measures for Tier 3 identification.
Session 3:
1 hour: Treatment Integrity: Ensuring the “I” RTI/MTSS
One of the main tenets of an RTI/MTSS process is that evidence-based interventions are implemented with integrity, which can be difficult to operationalize and evaluate. This workshop will focus on tools that can be used to ensure meaningful student outcomes are achieved.
2nd hour: Evaluate and Refine Implementation
The team will evaluate implementation of their MTSS program. They will evaluate the model and how to grow their MTSS process.